Nine for 2022 and beyond
Sarah Rickwood vom IQVIA European Thought Leadership
identifiziert und untersucht jährlich 9 internationale Themenbereiche.
Für 2022 sind die nachfolgenden neun Trends besonders prägend und von Relevanz.
Sarah Rickwood verfügt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in Fragen der internationalen Pharmaindustrie, da sie für die meisten der weltweit führenden Pharmaunternehmen an unterschiedlichsten Themen gearbeitet hat.
Für 2022 hat sie folgende Themen identifiziert, die den Verlauf des Jahres prägen werden:
1 | From COVID Vaccines to COVID treatments | 2021 was the first full year of COVID vaccination, but the world failed to reach WHO targets. The rise of the Omicron variant intensifies the need for continued vaccination. Oral COVID treatments will help, but they are not a panacea. |
2 | CNS’s moment of truth | 2022’s the year to see if anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s treatments will fly. Other CNS molecular innovation must also deliver in 2022; digital therapeutics could see breakthroughs. |
3 | The new Primary Care takes shape | Innovation is entering Primary care, but what it is and how it enters is often very unlike traditional primary care. New primary care involves population level outcomes agreements, active patient engagement and digital and remote delivery. |
4 | Big Tech makes significant healthcare moves | Big Tech is thriving and learning from past miss-steps on entering healthcare and will ramp up successful healthcare engagement in 2022. The links between tech and pharma will be ever closer. |
5 | RNA Therapeutics come to the fore | Dealmaking in RNA Therapeutics rose 13-fold in 2020. Top 20 pharma have made major bets on RNA acquisitions, and RNA Vaccine players have $Bns in cash. RNA has come of age and 2022 will lay out its next steps. |
6 | The new reality for innovative launch | The first six months’ sales performance of most innovative launches in 2020 and to Q1 2021 have been lower than pre-pandemic benchmarks, a worrying sign for innovative pharma. Will these launches recover? What can be done to improve outcomes in 2022? |
7 | Medicine budget constraint, structural fund largesse | COVID costs drive medicine spend austerity from 2022, but structural funding for healthcare system change is a huge spending opportunity which will reshape and digitise health systems – what will be the pharma impact? |
8 | Pharma’s Battle Chest | 18 pharma majors accumulated a total of $500bn cash by end 2021- what they will do with this in 2022? Acquisitions in hot areas are expensive; large to large mergers don’t solve fundamental issues- where to spend to build the future? |
9 | Healthcare systems re-shape to digitise | The pandemic accelerated progress towards digitisation of healthcare, from remote care to digital monitoring and data collection. Whilst direction is common, digital maturity varies heavily by country, and this must be understood to engage effectively. |
Möchten Sie mehr Details lesen?
Themenbereiche 1-3: https://pharmaphorum.com/r-d/international-issues-compelling-new-changed-2022/
Themenbereiche 4-9: https://pharmaphorum.com/digital/2022-innovation-opportunities-healthcare-digital/
Für Fragen wenden Sie sich an:
Dr. Karin Komposch
IQVIA Marktforschung GmbH
Stella-Klein-Löw-Weg 15, 1020 Wien
E-Mail: karin.komposch@iqvia.com